Cold Weather Dress and Outdoor Policy
Westwood students have recess 2-3 times a day depending on the weather. It is very important they dress for the unpredictable winter weather. Please be sure to send snow pants, boots, winter jackets, hats, mittens, gloves, scarves.
If the temperature with wind chill is 10 degrees or below as stated on the 15 minutes before recess, students will stay inside. Coats are recommended when the temperature is below 60°. Weather conditions will vary from day to day and one minute to the next, therefore, the building principal (or designee) will ultimately be responsible for determining outside or inside recess.
It is important that students are prepared each day as the weather starts out very cold in the morning and often warms up in time for recess. We believe it is important for children to get outside for exercise and fresh air every day, but ultimately their safety is our main priority.