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Westwood's History

February 11, 2016


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**The "Sloan" Chapter of National FFA was charted on October 3rd of 1930 by 15 members.
**Our chapter was closed due to World War II.
**In 1948 we were rechartered as the "Westwood" FFA chapter which reflected a combination schools from 5 towns in Western Woodbury County.
This charter was issued after World War 2 before the schools merged.  Signed 11/12/1948
This is the  first ever charter the date it was signed was 3/10/1930

(This is the 3rd charter it was signed on 11 - 12 - 48 when all the schools merged.

Advisors have included:
Mr. Clarey
Mr. Wilt  (      - 1996)
Mr. Heineman (1975 - 1996)
Ms. Schultz (1996 - 1998)
Mr. Witten (1998 - Present)
**We are always looking for interesting historical facts and information about the chapter.  If you have anything we would be interested in please let Mr. Witten know.


Untitled presentation

Advisors have included:
Mr. Clarey
Mr. Wilt  (      - 1996)
Mr. Heineman (1975 - 1996)
Ms. Schultz (1996 - 1998)
Mr. Witten (1998 - Present)
**We are always looking for interesting historical facts and information about the chapter.  If you have anything we would be interested in please let Mr. Witten know.